Hello !!!
I’m Gianluca Montanari and In my life I am a satisfied husband and father of two children !!!
I’m an astrophotographer and i have a personal shed observatory named F.D.F. G.Montanari (“G.” is not me but my granfather Gino 🙂 ). I have an AZ-EQ6 mount and two different setup for long and short focal. The first is a 400 mm f4.5 Takahashi Sky90 telescope with a SBIT ST-8300 CCD. The second is a GSO RC8 with a Moravian G2-1600 CCD. In addition i have a lot of filter (narrow and large band). Recently i discover the Exoplanet transit tecnique and i’m passionate to this and i start to publish some work …. stay tuned
Since 8 years old i’m crazy for motorbyke. In my life i had a lot of two weels , actually i have a Multistrada 1200 Enduro and a KTM EXC 300 TPI mod. 2020.
I’m an industrial automation specialist since 20 years. During the years i sum a lot of skills in programming and mechanical engineer. I’m a c# full stack programmer , machine vision specialist, robot specialist, PLC and NC specialist, all specialist as an ACME employe 🙂 . I am currently a partner and administrator of constructa sistemi s.r.l. (www.constructa.it)